Friday, 30 January 2015

How to recover deleted data

Best 5 Software’s To Restore Deleted files

Generally if we delete a file, that file will be sent to Recycle Bin. To restore it we just need to

Right click on the file in Recycle Bin and by clicking on RESTORE we can get the file back

to the same location where it is stored previously, but what if we deleted the file permanently 

from by even removing it from Recycle bin  Or  What if we deleted the file by Pressing 

SHIFT + DELETE to remove the file permanently??? We can get back or restore such

 file generally. But by using Data recovery software’s we can get the file back easily.

How can Data recovery software’s restore the permanently deleted files?

Generally if you delete a file from the Hard Disk it won’t get deleted!!

Just the link between the file and operating system gets deleted so
that we can’t access the deleted file, So the file will still exists in the 
hard drive and it will exists until it is over written by some other file.
What these data recovery software’s does is, they will search for 
all such file existing in the hard disk and will again let us to access
such files.

All the below mentioned software’s are very less in memory but 
are very efficient in resorting the files back.

1.  Recuva

Recuva is most widely used utility to restore permanently deleted files.

 You can either normally scan for the files or can do deep scan. Recuva is 

capable of restoring all the data from your hard disk or any external storage

 devices to. It’s very simple to use, we can search particularly for images,

 videos, zipped files, documents or simple you can search all files by 

selecting ALL FILES. You can even define the search exactly for a 

Drive or any particular location.

Download Recuva to restore Deleted Files


2. Pandora Recovery

Download PANDORA RECOVERY to restore Deleted Files


Pandora is also a good working utility to get back permanently deleted files.
 By simply navigating through the particular location we can set the scan and
 can get back the files easily. It recognizes, hard disks, Network disks, Flash drives etc.


3. Un Delete 360


Download UNDELETE 360 to restore Deleted Files


This is compatible with all the latest version for windows operating system.
As this is built on very fast algorithm you can restore your files in very less time.
Regardless of storage device you can get back the files from anywhere. 
UNDELETE 360 supports both file recovery and folder recovery.


4. Gallery Undelete

Download GALLERY UNDELETE to restore Deleted Files


This is yet another simple and effective software available for free to recover 
the deleted files in a easy manner. You can even restore the data that is deleted
 by the viruses.

5. Free Undelete

Download FREE UNDELETE to restore Deleted Files


As the name itself says this is also a free utility available on internet.
 You can filter the deleted files by name, size of the file and date.
 This works faster and can even restore the files that are deleted
 due to viruses, bugs and errors.


Anchor Text Definition

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlinkSEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code. Anchor texts are one of the many signals search engines use to determine the topic of a web page, and can direct to an internal or external web page.

Bad anchor text exampleClick here!

Good anchor text examplesanchor textanchor text definitionlearn about anchor text

The anchor text is also known as the link label or link title. The words contained in the anchor text helps determines the ranking that the page will receive by search engines such as Google or Yahoo and Bing. Links without anchor texts commonly happen on the web and are called naked URLs, or URL anchor texts. Different browsers will display anchor texts differently, and proper use of anchor text can help the page linked to rank for those keywords in search engines.

Exact Match Anchor Text

An exact match anchor text has the same keywords highlighted as the targeted keyword of a web page.
e.g. An exact match anchor text on this page would be the keyword "anchor text" hyperlinked to like so: anchor text.

Anchor Text Variation

When websites aggressively build exact match anchor text links, a Google spam filter is triggered. It is unnatural for web pages that link to your website to all have exact match anchor texts. A bit of anchor text variation is natural, just like how a great portion of the internet's links are naked urls.
e.g. John runs a small dental clinic in Boston. His dental clinic

Anchor Text Manipulation

As a result of being a search engine signal for relevancy, it is possible to SEO anchor text, and hence anchor text manipulation techniques and vocabulary evolved. 

Targeted Anchor Text

Linkbuilders, or SEOs specialized in building links to a website, often control the anchor text from the links they build from other websites. These anchor texts are targeted - the keywords in the anchor text will match the targetted keyword the page an SEO is trying to rank on.

Backlink Anchor Text

A backlink is a link from another website. The backlink anchor text is the anchor text used by other website linking to your website. The anchor text of these backlinks help search engines determine the most relevant keywords a web page should rank for.

One-Way Achor Text Backlinks

If website A links to website B with an anchor text backlink and website B does not link back to website A, then you have an one-way anchor text backlink. One-way anchor text backlinks are sought out by SEOs because PageRank juice flows one one domain to another. It is believed that the more one-way anchor text backlinks a web page has from 
websites with high PageRank, the better they will rank on search engines.

Excessive Anchor Text

Just like keyword stuffing, you can have too much anchor text on a given page. When there are too many keywords on a page linking to too many other pages of a website, or all to the same page but with different anchor texts, you have a case of excessive anchor text. The excessive use of anchor text within your website can lead to Google penalties as it is considered a spammy, user unfriendly practice.

Anchor Text Distribution

Because link builders are actively building links to their website with targeted anchor text, particular keywords will have a higher share of a page's overall anchor text distribution.

Spammy Anchor Text

A spammy anchor text is a link with an anchor text that has no relationship to the page it exists on or the page it is linking to. Spammy anchor texts are a common black hat SEO tactics to either temporarily rank for competitive keywords such as "pay day loans" or "buy viagra" but can also be used as a tool to harm a competitor's website or individual through negative SEO and Google bombing.

Natural Anchor Text vs Unnatural Anchor Text

When web surfers link to your website, it is inevitable that you will get bad anchor text that do not help identify your web page's topic. However, just like naked URLs, these are natural occurances, and are not frowned upon by search engines. On the flip side, the lack of naked URLs, the excessive use of anchor text, and or a high number of targeted one-way anchor text backlinks are all signs of unnatural anchor text distribution. Search engines like Google may penalize websites that focused on manipulating anchor text when user experience is compromised.
To obtain natural anchor texts to your website, create good content and the links and anchor text.

Related Searches/ Disambiguation for Anchor Text

  • anchor text link
  • seo anchor text
  • javascript anchor text
  • html anchor text
  • anchor text tag
  • wiki anchor text
  • website anchor text
  • web anchor text
  • vary anchor text
  • using anchor text
  • squidoo anchor text
  • search anchor text
  • replace anchor text
  • regex anchor text

5 Google Webmasters Video Tutorials

the number 5These 5 videos introduce how Google discovers, crawls, indexes your site’s pages, and how Google displays them in search results. It also touches lightly upon challenges webmasters and search engines face, such as duplicate content and the effective indexing of Flash and AJAX content. Lastly, it also talks about the benefits of offerings Webmaster Central and other useful Google products.

Google for Webmasters Tutorial: Discoverability

  • how Google can find your site
  • the value of backlinks to your posts re: natural linking pattern &  getting indexed quickly
  • XML site maps
  • privacy settings

Google for Webmasters Tutorial: Crawling and Indexing

  • accessibility
  • optimizing image ALT text
  • graceful degradation
  • optimize titles and description for each page on site
  • duplicate content

Google for Webmasters Tutorial: Ranking

  • relevance and importance
  • personalization
  • customization
  • pagerank still plays a significant role
  • natural linking strategy
  • webmaster violations

Google for Webmasters Tutorial: Intro to Webmaster Central

Google for Webmasters Tutorial: Other Resources

  • YouTube and Picasa
  • Sketchup
  • Calendars
  • Maps and Earth
  • Blogger

Content: How to tag and categorize it

Not categorizing and tagging the content in your blog posts is like purposely playing hide- and- seek with search engines and therefore, making it difficult for their users to find your blog.  By organizing your content by categories and tags, you are not only making it easier for your existing readers to navigate through your site, but you are also telling the search engine spiders how to index your blog to bring in more readers. But assigning too many and/or irrelevant tags means your posts will not be well positioned in the SERPs (search engine pager results).

Categories are broad: tags are narrow and specific

Keep your categories as really broad keyword and topic headings, and assign  keyword tags as finer  and more specific ways of indicating what a post is about.  If I used a book as a metaphor, the categories would be like the chapter titles in the front of a book, and the tags would be like the words in the index.
Categorizing and tagging your posts allows you to assign relevant  keywords to your posts. When you assign  categories think in terms of words people would expect to see in a Table of Contents. When you assign tags to your post think in terms of words people would look  up in an Index in the back of the book.
Let’s try some examples:

Categories and tags example 1:

Suppose you write a post about a family and friends camping and fishing trip to a well known river.
First think of the table of contents in a book.
Now think of the  chapters as being broad categories.
Categories: Camping, Fishing, Rivers
Second think of the index in the back of the book.
Now think of the index terms as being narrow semantic tags.
Tags: friends, boats, brother, father, mother, sister, sports,  fly fishing, Well Known River.

Categories and tags example 2:

Suppose  you write a post on baking the perfect pineapple upside down cake.
Categories: Baking, Food and Recipes.
Tags: cakes,  desserts, pineapple, pineapple upside down cake.
For a deeper understanding here is a synopsis of the similarities and differences between tags and categories provided by Lorelle in Categories versus Tags: What’s the Difference? and in Categories are not tags: Got it?
  • Categories can have unique names. Tags need to be known names.
  • Categories can have long wordy names. Tags should have short one, two, or at the most, three words.
  • Categories generate a page of posts on your site. Tags can, too, but often generate a page of off-site posts on an off-site website.
  • Categories are not tags. Tags can be categories.
  • Categories don’t help search engines find information. Tags help search engines and tag directories catalog your site.
  • Posts are usually in one to four categories. A single post can list as many tags as you want.
  • Categories help visitors find related information on your site. Tags help visitors find related information on your site and on other sites.
  • Categories organize, hierarchically. Tags need not.
  • Tags provide meta-information, Categories need not.
  • Tags cross-connect, Categories do not.

Blogging tips:

  1. Use only relevant categories and tags on your posts. Remember garbage in – garbage out.
  2. Don’t overdo it! It’s unlikely that any post will ever requires more than a total of 15 categories and tags. If you go overboard you will be consider to be a “spam-dexer”.  See > Global Tags or Topics


Categories can be arranged in a hierarchy. Tags, however, exist in their own right and have no set relationship to anything else. Categories vs. Tags

Discussion questions:

(1) Have you been assigning categories and tags to your posts?
(2)  If so, then how you determine which ones to use?